Urban Studies Alumni Engagement Fellow

The role of Urban Studies Alumni Engagement Fellow is to foster connections between current Urban Studies students with program alumni, as well as promote student professional development and networking opportunities. The Alumni Engagement Fellow will be named in the spring semester each year and serve through the following academic year. Starting in 2024, there will be overlap between the newly named Fellow and the outgoing Fellow in order assure a smooth transition.  

Among the types of activities that the Fellow would carry out include (but are not limited to): organizing local alumni panels or alumni “chats” on Zoom, building opportunities for URBS alums to mentor undergraduates, facilitating opportunities for socializing and networking by US region, and piggybacking on existing efforts of Career Services and The College. The Fellow will provide a report that describes the year’s events and participation at the end of their term as Fellow. The Fellow receives a $2,000 stipend for their work.

This fellowship is made possible thanks to a generous gift by Scott Millstein, C'92, and Jae Lee. Scott is passionate about the value of mentoring and vouches for the willingness and excitement of alumni to help current students.