The Urban Studies Graduate Colloquium series provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary conversations about excellent graduate student research in Urban Studies.
This year our series, hosted by our 2023-24 Graduate Fellow Tessa Huttenlocher (PhD candidate, Sociology), will represent a wide spectrum of departments and topics.
Persistently mixed-income neighborhoods and the role of planning and housing policy: A study of Philadelphia
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Speaker: Yeonhwa Lee, PhD Candidate in City and Regional
"A Very Racist Neighborhood:" Reputation, Stigma, and Narrative Framing in a Chicago Neighborhood
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McNeil Building 414, Urban Studies space
3718 Locust Walk
Speaker: Andres Villatoro, Ph.D. Student, Sociology
'Slavs Only': Understanding the Spatialization of Race in Urban Russia
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Speaker: Mariana Irby, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Interest in Anthropology of the state, citizenship, urban
Poverty's Capital; the Social Construction of Savings in Early New York
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McNeil Building 414
3718 Locust Walk
Speaker: Anders Bright, third-year Ph.D. student studying early American intellectual, cultural, and