Graduate Colloquium Series

The Urban Studies Graduate Colloquium series provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary conversations about excellent graduate student research in Urban Studies.

This year our series, hosted by our 2023-24 Graduate Fellow Tessa Huttenlocher (PhD candidate, Sociology), will represent a wide spectrum of departments and topics.


Persistently mixed-income neighborhoods and the role of planning and housing policy: A study of Philadelphia


Join via Zoom!

Speaker: Yeonhwa Lee, PhD Candidate in City and Regional

"A Very Racist Neighborhood:" Reputation, Stigma, and Narrative Framing in a Chicago Neighborhood


Join in person!
McNeil Building 414, Urban Studies space
3718 Locust Walk

Speaker: Andres Villatoro, Ph.D. Student, Sociology 

'Slavs Only': Understanding the Spatialization of Race in Urban Russia


Join here

Speaker: Mariana Irby, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Interest in Anthropology of the state, citizenship, urban

Poverty's Capital; the Social Construction of Savings in Early New York


Join in person
McNeil Building 414
3718 Locust Walk

Speaker: Anders Bright, third-year Ph.D. student studying early American intellectual, cultural, and