

URBS Alum Michael Banks Named One of the Most Admired CEOs by Philadelphia Business Journal

Congratulations, Michael, on being named one of the Most Admired CEOs by the Philadelphia Business Journal! Michael is the executive director of The Promise PHL, an organization dedicated to reducing poverty in Philadelphia through raising funds and building sustainable careers.


URBS Alum Yasmin Radjy Appears on MSNBC's Morning Joe

Yasmin Radjy ('08) appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe on October 28 to discuss Swing Left's efforts in mobilizing volunteers to canvass for progressive candidates in crucial swing districts across the country.

Emily Schapira

On the Grid

Check out this Omnia piece about an alum, Emily Schapira (URBS '02) and the work that she is doing.  Its a great example of a career that grows out of URBS!

Francesca Ciampa

URBS Alum Francesca Ciampa's ('22) Honors Work Featured in Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement

Congratulations to Francesca Ciampa (URBS '22), whose URBS Honors work, "The Interlocking Roles of Campus Security and Redevelopment in University-Driven Neighborhood Change: A Case Study of the University of Pennsylvania," has just been published in the 


URBS Faculty Domenic Vitiello Featured on Penn Today

Domenic Vitiello, an urban and regional planning expert, teaches classes that invite students to locations in and around Philadelphia to better understand how its denizens dine.



IUR Celebrates Local Urban Leader Elaine Simon

Penn IUR Co-Director Dr.

Rachel Diller

URBS Alum Rachel Diller featured on Good Dirt Podcast

Rachel Diller, a Penn Urban Studies alum, is featured on the Good Dirt commercial real estate podcast. Check it out here!

Here's an overview:

7th ward trip

URBS Seventh Ward Course Featured in the Inquirer

Our First Year Seminar Course Investigating the Old Seventh Ward students Noah Kocher and Isha Mankar are featured in a recent article in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Check it out!



2023 Kenneth Jackson Award for Best Book in North American Urban History

Congratulations to URBS Professor Domenic Vitiello for receiving the Kenneth Jackson Award for Best Book in North American Urban History for his 2022 publication The Sanctuary City

Emily Eiler (URBS '22)

Food Access Supply Technology

Congratulations to Emily Eiler (URBS '22) for recently getting published in the Journal of Internal Medicine! The research project, which was her focus during her URBS Fieldwork course, discusses household food insecurity and finds ways health systems can address that.