I originally wanted to major in Urban Studies because I thought it would be similar to Sim City -- which I was pretty good at -- but, of course, that turned out to be far from the reality. I stayed on the city planning track for a while, thinking I would submatriculate, until I took some amazing education-related classes and realized that was the path I wanted to pursue.
I am currently the Math Resource Coordinator a charter school in DC. I taught math and was the
department chair at a DC traditional public high school for three years. In my current role, I teach,
coach other teachers, and help the school to use data effectively. I aspire to be a principal and
I was the Chair of the UAB for three years, and we had a lot of fun going to New York each year.
The most memorable trip was when we went 600 feet below the surface to explore New York's
unfinished third water tunnel.