Alumni Announcements

There are many ways to stay in touch with URBS:

  • Join the University of Pennsylvania Urban Studies Alumni group on LinkedIn.  This group is limited only to urban studies current students and alums for career networking purposes.  Just search for the page on LinkedIn(link is external) and request to join.

Alumni Achievements

Sophie Harris (URBS ’12) Greens Up New Orleans

We've been talking about urban green spaces a lot since our recent tour of the proposed Philly Rail Park.

Josh Curran (URBS ’09) on Vegas Revitalization

As a part of his work with Resort Gaming Group, alum Josh Curran (URBS '09) has been working toward the revitalization of downtown Las Vegas.

Rosaline Zhang (’14) on Teacher Evaluations

Congratulations to recent URBS graduate Rosaline Zhang, who's op-ed How to set up evaluations that help teachers improve(link is external) has made it to the Seattle Times

Fay Darmawi (URBS ’88) on affordable housing

Fay Darmawi (URBS '88) has written a piece for Housing Finance called How Affordable Housing Can Make a Name for Itself (and Why)(link is external).

Student Adam Goodman’s ed reform article in the Boston Review

Adam Goodman, a student in the URBS Graduate Certificate Program and PhD student in History, wrote a piece for The Boston Review called "Mexican Education Reform From Below."(link is external)

Paul Farber (URBS ’05) Collaborates on New Book

Paul M.

Gabe Mandujano (URBS ’05) on the cover of Grid Magazine

Take a look at the January issue of Grid Magazine(link is external), where URBS alumnus Gabe Mandujano ('05) discusses the triple-bottom line business he launched two years ago, Wash Cycle Laundry.

Alumn Gets Published in Next American City and Salon

Jake Scobey-Thal ('09) had two of his articles published in Next American City and Salon this past summer. We invite you to explore his coverage of urban events that took place in NYC and Cape Town, South Africa this past year.

Felicity Wood’s audit of Sacramento’s Fire Prevention Program published

Felicity Wood, class of '92, recently completed an audit of the City of Sacramento’s Fire Prevention Program. Click here(link is external) to read the published audit.

Joe Portelli (2010) in the news

Joe Portelli, URBS '10, is quoted in a 4-25-2012 New York Times article (link is external)"The Art of Remaking a Downtown."