
Please join us for coffee, croissants and conversation during the Urban Studies Graduate Student Colloquium Series! The series provides a way for graduate students who are or have been a part of the Urban Studies Certificate program to come together to share their work. Most colloquia run from 9:30-11:00am unless otherwise noted. 

Author: Stuart Andreason, City and Regional Planning, School of Design

Discussant: Dr. Walter Licht, Walter H. Annenberg Professor of History

Abstract: Islands of growth in seas of decline or the engines for takeoff? An exploration of the dynamics and influence of increasingly educated workforces and place-based talent attraction and retention programs in urban and metropolitan America.

Human capital and educational attainment have ascended as one of the most important factors in economic development in the twenty-first century.  High levels of education are strongly related to high incomes and quality of life.  Individuals who finish college make more money, are better citizens, and are healthier, but do these gains trickle down to other portions of the labor market?  Also, does improving educational attainment solve long standing labor market problems?  Analysis of demographic, economic, and educational attainment trends shows mixed outcomes.  The research aims to explain some of these trends and outlines areas of future inquiry.