Senior Seminar Thesis Titles
Please contact the Urban Studies Program to view a paper.
Spellman, Jessie. Penn and West Philadelphia: How an Enlightened University Created a Beacon for Public Education in the Shadow of its Historical Negligence:
Stolper, Madeleine. University Investment and its Impact on the Housing Market:
Thompson, Kajsa. Implementation of a Summer Bridge Program: A Case Study of Programs at Bartram High School:
Thompson, Adam. Evaluating the Financial Effects of School District Consolidation in New Jersey: Cost savings vs. Home Rule:
Tompkins, Michael. Coastline Development and Surfing:
Weber, Francis. Local Government Response to Growth Management and Farmland Protection Programs in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania:
Weiss, Hannah. “Some Kind of Survival:” The Experience of University City Hospitality Coalition Soup Kitchen Clients:
Weiss, Max. NTI Demolitions: Impact of Greening on Development:
Werber, Kelsey. Peter Cooper Village Stuyvesant Town: The Future of Affordable Housing in New York City:
Wyden, Lilly. Financial and Academic Support Programs in Education: Say Yes to Education as a Case Study:
Arthur-Asmah, Enoch. An In Depth Look at the Roles of Structure and Cultural Values in the Rates of Marriage for Black Women with Advanced Degrees and Low Income Black Women:
Bernal, Marina. WIC Participation and Stigmatization of Low Income Women:
Blake, Gabriella. Breaking Barriers: Overcoming the Outsider Effect in an Urban Public School District:
Chow, Davin. You Are Where You Sleep: A Study of the 25-year Metamorphosis of the Boutique Hotel:
Ciccotti, Matthew. Assessing Organizational Relations in Development Partnerships: The Role of Industrial Reuse in Public-Private Redevelopment:
Dawson, Philip. By the People, For the People: The Role of Public Participation in Contemporary City Planning:
Dubb, Tracy. Managing the Costs of Green Building:
Dubow, Benjamin. Ethnicity, Space, and Politics in Afghanistan:
Eisenburg-Guyot, Nadia. The Throwaway People: Social Marginality and Community Solidarity among Informally-Housed Heroin Injectors:
Gollotti, Brandon. Energy Use in Penn’s Student Housing and Techniques to Achieve Energy Reduction:
Grayson, Christina. “God Bless the Child That’s Got His Own:” Neighborhood and Identity in Middle Class African-America:
Hankins, Kristin. Building Green Utopia: Community perception of green design and neighborhood change in East Kensington and Fishtown:
Hansen, Julia. The Loss & Recovery of Public Plazas in Asuncion, Paraguay:
Hardoon, Zachary. Copabanana: Barriers in Peer Social Interactions amongst Penn Students and the Local Population:
Heller, Daniel. Parent-teacher Conferences: Perspectives from Working Class Parents: