Senior Seminar Thesis Titles
Please contact the Urban Studies Program to view a paper.
Gerngross, Genevieve. Effecting Change in Philadelphia: A Case Study of Onion Flats and their Impact on the Residential Green Building Industry:
Gilbert, Rachel. Are the Efforts to Reverse the Brain Drain to Spur Economic Development Really Taking the Entire Picture into Account?:
Hall, Emma. Measuring the Economic Impact of a Nonprofit Small Business Kitchen Incubator:
Hoffman, Joshua. Height Restrictions in Washington, DC: Breaking the Local-Federal Stalemate:
Howard, Molly. No Autonomy Left Behind:
Kelrick, Scott. They’ll take your land and keep it too: Eminent Domain, The Government’s Enshrined Right to Take Private Property in Order to Serve a Public Use:
Kolker, Abigail. Caucasian Consciousness: How White Penn Students Conceptualize Race:
Labov, Rebecca. Place-based Redevelopment and Neighborhood Change in North Philadelphia, 1970-1990:
Li, Jun. Philadelphia’s Chinatown: An Ethnic Enclave Economy in a Changing Landscape:
Lim, Catherine. The Effects of Undocumented Immigration Status on the Integration of New Immigrant Groups: The case of Brazilians in Northeast Philadelphia:
Mooney, Natasha. Mixed Income or Gentrification? Hawthorne’s Spatial Transformation:
Nadal, Tristan. Measuring the Social and Economic Impact of Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zones and the Cira Centre in Philadelphia:
O'Shaughnessy, Paula. Community Opposition to Needle Exchange Programs (NEPs):
Peltzman, Ty. Redeveloping the Northern Liberties Waterfront:
Ponsen, Adrian. Determining the Demographics of Mortgage Foreclosure in Philadelphia:
Radjy, Yasmin. The Literal and Figurative Boundaries Between Penn Students and West Philadelphia:
Savage, Hollis. Fast Increases in Real Estate Values while Slow changes in Schools: The story of middle class interest in Bedford Stuyvesant houses and disinterest in local schools:
Schachner, Jared. Philadelphia Olympics: How can the city leverage the games to promote economic growth?:
Schneider, Benjamin. The Estates at Faraway Farm: why suburban housing developments look the way the do, an evaluation of the forces shaping the monotonous American landscape:
Sheehan, Robert. Brain Imaging of Adolescents and the Juvenile Justice System: How the courts provided legal relief for minors on death row:
Slaughter, Jenna. African Americans and Depression in Philadelphia:
Sundheim, Peter. Convergence and Divergence: The Simultaneous Transformation of Old City Philadelphia:
Tamaccio, Nicholas. The Potential Economic Impact of the KOIZ Initiative, A Case Study: City of Philadelphia:
Turner, Andrew. Propaganda in Havana: The Politics of Public Space and Collective Memory in the Socialist City:
Wrigley, Eric. Fenton Village: How to Preserve & Revive a Struggling Small Business District in Already Developing Downtown Silver Spring: